Pink Elephant

Think of a pink elephant. ~~~ Now … do not think about a pink elephant. ~~~ Did your thoughts linger on the pink elephant even after told not to? The “trick” is to substitute another thought for the pink elephant. Then you are thinking the new thought, rather than thinking about the pink elephant. That…

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Look Beyond

A fallen tree on a beach near the ocean.

Are you in a very hard spot? Is your situation something you can work to change? Pray about what to do, of course.  Regardless whether you have some discretion about your predicament, or whether you have to endure it, look beyond your circumstances to God. Look Beyond Jesus … for the joy set before Him…

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All Paths Lead to God

All Paths Lead to God It is frequently said: “All paths lead to God.” That is true. All humans die and then face judgment. It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment. (Hebrews 9:27)  But only one path leads to eternal life. Whoever believes in [Christ Jesus] shall not perish, but have eternal…

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Praise our Savior

An image of a nebula with a star in the background. Praise our Savior! We—believers in Christ who have received Him as our Lord and Savior—have been saved. Saved from sin’s penalty We are saved from eternal death, saved from being thrown into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15) Saved from sin’s power We are saved from being slaves to sin. (Romans 6:6) We are…

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What do you Want?

What do you want? Do you want what God wants? Do you say, like Jesus: Yet not as I will, but as You will. (Matthew 26:39) I certainly don’t, at least all the time. But I want to. Or, sometimes, I want to want to… I am relieved that God is working in me to will (to…

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When I asked the physician for the cause of my significant eye issue, he said “Bad luck.”  (See When Storms Come) When I told another physician about the excellent results of physical therapy, she said “You’re lucky.” Luck? Lucky? Definition of luck: “The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events.” Definition of chance: “The unknown and unpredictable…

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Off with Their Heads!

The Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland “had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. ‘Off with his head!’” Later, readers learned that “the Queen’s argument was that, if something wasn’t done about it and in less than no time, she’d have everybody executed all round.” Lately, I’ve been too much like the…

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Praise our Refuge

Almighty God is our Refuge God is described as our refuge, our stronghold, a rock higher than we, a tower of strength, a shelter, our shield, our dwelling place, our strength. Our responsibility is to run to Him I call to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher…

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Yeah, but…

Yeah but… Yeah, but he… Yeah, but she…. We have all been in arguments or problematic situations. When we later review our own thoughts, words, and behaviors we can see how we contributed to the issue. Perhaps it was relatively minor, but it wasn’t zero. And, maybe, rather than what we did, it was what…

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Prerequisites to Christian Service

Prerequisites to Christian Service When I was in college I would sometimes see a course I wanted to take, but discover I had to complete other classes before I could take the one I wanted. My desired course had prerequisites. Sometimes I didn’t want to fulfill the requirements and missed out on the course I…

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