Posts by Pressing On Together
Fallen World
Fallen World We live in a fallen world. Satan rebelled against God and now is prowling about seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Humans—including you and me—rebelled against God. Our sins—past, present, and future—cause endless trouble for ourselves, others, and the world. Through sin, death entered the world. (Romans 5:12) Sin is rebellion against…
Read MorePraise Almighty God
Kapoho crater, Harry Durgin Facebook From May 2016 through February 2020, there have been monthly posts praising our God; Praising Him for who He is, for what He has done, for what He is doing, and for what He will do. Our God is eternal and infinite, worthy of all praise, and there is no…
Read MorePraise God in the Middle of your Muddle
Praise in the Muddle You are in a messy muddle with no end in sight. If you are Christ’s follower, having received Him as your Lord and Savior, praise God in the middle of your muddle. Here is a starter praise list: Praise Him for now: God saved you out of darkness and transferred you…
Read MoreLevels of Endurance
Levels of Endurance God calls us to endure. And He tells us about the rewards He gives us for endurance. There are instructions about how to endure. See, for example, How to Get Through It, and Look Beyond. I just realized today, though, that there are different levels of endurance. We can be better or worse at…
Read MoreWhen the Time is Right
How long? How long? You may be in a seemingly never-ending hard situation. It may feel like forever already and there may not be any sign of improvement. It may not be possible for you to change it. If the Lord is leading you to improve your circumstances, work at it. But, you may have…
Read MorePraise The Way
Iceland; Harry Durgin Praise The Way Jesus Christ is THE WAY I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. (John 14:6) Jesus Christ is The only Way to life eternal. And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under…
Read MoreLove Letter
God Knows Best
God Knows Best The US polio epidemic peaked in 1952 and the vaccine began testing in 1954. It was a scary time, with lots of cases and deaths. When my mom told me I would get immunized, I said: “I’d rather have polio!” “No, you wouldn’t,” she said. I didn’t know much about polio, but…
Read MoreBlessings of Pruning
Blessings of Pruning Jesus is the true vine. (See Praise the Vine) Those who believe in Jesus Christ and have received Him as Lord and Savior are the branches attached to the vine. (John 15:3, 5) The Father is the cultivator, the vinedresser. (John 15:1) For us, believers, the Father works in us (Philippians 2:13) and…
Read MorePraise the Vine
Praise the Vine Jesus Christ is the vine, the true vine. I am the true vine. (John 15:1) Jesus Christ is the true vine, a contrast to Yahweh’s vineyard (Israel) which He cared for and from which He expected good grapes. But His vineyard produced only worthless grapes, and therefore He broke it down, promising to restore…
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