God Does Details!

A heater sitting on a wooden floor in front of a window.

Idecided to clean out a long-neglected closet, and in the far back corner were two register-type space heaters. We hadn’t used the heaters in eons, so I planned to take them out to the barn, but instead my husband put them in a more accessible place.  Three days later (3 days!), our furnace died, had…

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Hope Keeps Us Going

Hope Keeps Us Going Actions often are based on expectations about the future. We do something expecting some result. (We also often act as a result of habit or settled routine. This post is not about that.) The stronger the expectation, the more likely we will keep going through hard times. I’m sure you can…

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Sinking Spells

Sinking Spells John the Baptist was the first to recognize Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17), identified Him as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29), and declared that Jesus baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is the Son of God (John 1:33-34). But he had a sinking spell. After Herod put John the Baptist in prison,…

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False Hope

What gives you hope? Do you depend on the sea wall to protect you from the storm? Do you look to your marriage to fulfill your needs? Do you expect your income to bring you joy? Do you believe your good health habits guarantee you a long, healthy life? Do you rely on your retirement…

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Communicable Attitudes

A black dog running with a frisbee in its mouth.

Communicable Attitudes We’re watching the spread of the new coronavirus across the world as infected humans communicate the virus to others. We do need to follow health guidelines to avoid catching or spreading the virus. But viruses aren’t all we communicate. It’s catching We watched our black lab mix communicate joy. He was joyfully running…

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Sheep Need a Shepherd

Poor guy. He wandered from his herd and wasn’t shorn for about five years. When they captured him, they sheared 89 pounds of wool. He needed his shepherd. Domesticated sheep I’ve never been around sheep, but I’ve read that they: Are prone to wander and go astray Are easily lost in unfamiliar territory Don’t know…

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Short Story

Almighty God created us. As Creator, He has the right to tell us how to live. We are to meet His holy standard. But we don’t. We sin against God. The penalty for our rebellion is eternal torment. But God loves us and provides a way to escape His justifiable wrath. God sent Jesus Christ…

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Easter Hope

Easter Hope Jesus Christ, in whom we believe and trust, has risen. Alleluia! Our Lord’s resurrection gives us living hope and guarantees His promises to us. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through…

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Our Hope

Our Hope Among Christians’ many blessings is hope! A fundamental attitude among Christians should be hope. Who is our hope in? What do we hope for? Hope in We hope in God. We hope in Jesus Christ. The God of hope.  (Romans 15:13)    Christ Jesus, who is our hope.  (1 Timothy 1:1)  Wishing or Waiting When we talk about hope, sometimes we talk…

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Scared? The current pandemic has spread rapidly, and causes illness and death. To respond, there are guidelines and orders for “social distancing,” self-quarantines, shelter-in-place, and many closures, and shortages. People have had to close their businesses. There are many lay-offs. The economy is hurting. I’ve periodically been scared, and have learned that I’m not afraid…

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