Posts by Pressing On Together
Systemic Sin
Systemic Sin The fundamental systemic problem underlying the world’s ills is sin. Most of my career I worked on preventing problems and harm. The key lesson is that to prevent a problem, we need to work upstream, at the underlying issues, and that more than one intervention is most likely needed. The famous model is…
Read MoreTremble
Tremble Have you ever had a very close call? A time when you might have been seriously injured or fatally wounded? How did you feel? People laugh, or cry. They may be weak-kneed. They may tremble with relief. I’ve seen photos of pilots kissing the ground. From a spiritual perspective, believers have been rescued from…
Read MorePeace
God of Peace Yahweh is peace. (Judges 6:24) God is peace. (Philippians 4:9, Hebrews 13:20) Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) The Holy Spirit gives peace. (Galatians 5:22) Peace is an attribute of God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Peace is who He is. He is the source of all peace (true, whole, rich peace, not just…
Read MoreGod as Enemy
Harry Durgin Facebook Recently I heard a Christian music group telling the audience that God loved them. The crowd cheered. Their message was misleading and potentially deadly. God does love that group of people listening to the music, but His love isn’t what was implied. He loves the world so much He sends rain on…
Read MoreBig and Little
Big and Little The world is in chaos. AND God is in control. Both are true, but we have to trust God in order to believe it. For His own reasons, He is allowing evil to increase, lies to proliferate, society to break down. At the same time, He is calling sinners to Himself, and…
Read MoreResurrection Power–Right Now!
Harry Durgin Facebook Resurrection Power—Right Now! He is risen! [Jesus Christ our Lord] was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness. (Romans 1:4) Christ died for our sins, and was raised to save those who believe in Him. He … was delivered over because of…
Read MorePractice! Now!
Practice Now! Pilots practice various emergency procedures to get us all safely on the ground in case something happens. Airline pilots are regularly tested on their ability to handle them. This paid off recently in Denver when an engine failed. Passengers got a thrill, especially those who could see the engine, but safely deplaned after…
Read MoreBecause
Since He created you, He knows what is best for you. Because He is love, He wants what is best for you. Because He is sovereign, He has the power to bring the best into your life. And because you are in Christ, you are destined for glory. Praise God! ~~~ From page 111 When Storms…
Read MoreLoud Voices Prevailed
Loud Voices Prevailed Pilate found no guilt in Jesus and wanted to free Jesus. He then said he would punish Him and release Him. The crowd cried out. “Away with this man.” “Crucify, crucify Him.” They were insistent, with loud voices asking that He be crucified. And their voices began to prevail. (Luke 23:23) Pilate, wishing…
Read MoreStrengthen Your Heart
Hard times are here and worse times are coming. I want to be steadfast. I don’t want to falter, or faint, or turn aside. I don’t want to let Him down. I want to be stronger. A stronger heart is not only possible, it is promised! Paul prayed that God would grant us, according to the…
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