Posts by Pressing On Together
Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
Sacrifice of Thanksgiving A sacrifice costs us something. When times are good, when the Lord says “yes” to our prayers, thanksgiving is easy. But when times are bad or the Lord says “no,” it costs us to give Him thanks. Yet we are commanded to give thanks in everything, during good times or bad. In…
Read MoreOur* Common Timeline
Our* Common Timeline Chosen We were chosen before the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:4) Purpose Prepared He prepared good works beforehand that we might walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10) Born He enabled our conception and birth. (Genesis 29:31) Saved When it pleased Him, He revealed His Son to us. (Galatians 1:15) Sanctified Now, He…
Read MoreGod’s Sovereign Love
Harry Durgin Facebook God’s Sovereign Love After I was diagnosed with two macular holes and before I was able to travel back to my doctors, I received a lot of conflicting information. For about two months I didn’t know if I would keep useful vision, and I was uncertain about next steps. I would wake…
Read MoreGod Also Waits
We wait … and wait … and wait. We wait for the pandemic to be over. We wait for our health, or that of a loved one, to improve. We wait for news. We wait hoping a problem will be solved. We wait for God to intervene, to bless, to give us strength, to ……
Read MoreWhatever Your* Situation
Whatever Your Situation Whatever your situation: Remember: God is in control. The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all. (Psalm 103:19) God is making you better. It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13) God is giving you opportunities…
Read MoreBad Results are Good
Harry Durgin Facebook Bad Results are Good A bad result from an action is used by God for good in a Christian’s life. Huh? There are at least three ways bad results are good Bad results help us see our own sin, confess, and walk more closely to the Lord. Before I was afflicted I…
Read MoreBeyond the Ridge
Beyond the Ridge When we hike, we generally have a good map, showing the route, elevation changes, distances, and destination. By looking at the map, we know how many ridges are left, how many streams still to cross, and how far we have to go. In our Christian walk, we know something about the wonders…
Read MoreMemorial Day
Memorial Day I had many relatives in the military, clear back to the Revolutionary War. None died in those conflicts, but one pilot uncle died in a Navy Reserve midair afterwards. On this day, I honor him and all those who gave their lives fighting for our freedom. And I, and you, have many others…
Read MoreYou Have What It Takes
You* Have What It Takes The Reality—Part I God can do anything. Listen up. God can do anything by the power that works within us! The same power that works within us! Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works…
Read MoreResponsibility AND Sovereignty
Responsibility and Sovereignty God’s word is very clear. We are responsible for our thoughts, words, and deeds, AND at the same time God is sovereign over everything. We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12), AND God promises to work everything together for good (Romans 8:28). God is totally holy,…
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