Who Are You?
Your Identity

We are sometimes attacked at the core of who we are. Jesus was, the apostles were. We’re not exempt.

Next week, I plan to talk about attacks, but as I was working on that, I realized to withstand core attacks, we must be settled in who we are.

Who are you?

Developing a strong sense of self is a key developmental task. The stronger our identity, the less we are blown off-track with the changes and challenges of life. This is true for both believers and those who don’t believe in Christ.

When we believed in Jesus Christ and trusted Him for our salvation, our core identity changed. We became new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17).

This transformation is sometimes startling in its magnitude. Think about Paul. He was zealous for God according to the strictest Jewish beliefs, and persecuted Christians (Acts 22:3-4). After Jesus appeared to him,

immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “He is the Son of God.” (Acts 9:20)

Your identity

One year I listed (some of) what the New Testament said about my identity as a believer. My list included:

Child of the Father (John 1:12)

Sister of Christ (Matthew 12:50)

Bride of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:2Revelation 19:7-10)

 Indwelt by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14)

 Redeemed (Ephesians 1:7)

 Saint (See Good Morning, Saint!)


As you read through the Bible this year, make your own list of who the Bible says you are.

And determine to believe what God says about you.

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