He is Risen!

I wonder: Do they sell pendants of the empty tomb?

He suffered for us on the cross, died, and was buried.

He rose from the dead.

The cross is empty.

The tomb is empty.

Jesus Christ is, and was, and is to come. (Revelation 1:8)

Because He lives, we also have a past, present, and glorious future.

In the past

He died on the cross, and we were saved from sin’s penalty.

In the present

He lives, interceding for us with the Father, and we are learning to walk in freedom from sin’s power.

In the future

He will reign, we will be saved from sin’s presence, and He will present us to the Father holy and blameless.

He is risen!

He is risen indeed!

I want to live thrilled with the knowledge of His life and the life to come.

Where is my empty tomb pendant?

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