The Ends Justify the Means–NOT!

Do the ends justify the means?

Does a worthwhile goal (to you, anyway) mean you can do anything to attain it? Is sinning okay to reach a particular goal?

Of course not.

But in our current climate, many seem to have adopted that stance.

And, of course, unbelievers don’t have the same concern about sin.

What does the Bible say?

Old Testament Example: Good goal, bad means

King David had the laudable goal to move the ark to Jerusalem. But he didn’t seek the Lord (1 Chronicles 15:13) and follow the Lord’s commands about howto carry the ark. Instead, David placed the ark on a new cart pulled by oxen. When the ark was nearly upset, a man took hold of it, and “God struck him down there for his irreverence.” (2 Samuel 6:7)

New Testament Example: Bad goal, bad means

Ananias and Sapphira apparently wanted to be honored, and gave to the apostles part of the money they received from selling a piece of property. But they lied, saying they were giving the entire amount. Peter said they lied to God, that they put the Spirit of the Lord to the test. God killed both of them. (Acts 5:1-11)

What are our “Ends?” Our “Goals?” Our “Means?”

Christians are to walk in a manner worthy of Him who saved us. That is both a life goal and a commitment to be righteous in our thoughts, words, and deeds.

There are some, but not many, avenues of life that are off limits. We can’t be professional hit-men or prostitutes, but we can be politicians, or police officers, or …

However, whatever our God directed path, we must behave as children of God, increasingly walking in His will.

We are Responsible

What we do is our responsibility, and actions do have results. While we can control what we do, we cannot also control the result.

And we should remember that every action has a cascade of results, sometimes called “the ever-widening circle of consequences.” It may be that your action, down the road, impacts someone’s decision to trust Christ or to reject Him.

We must be alert, aware, and careful.


Almighty God, help us trust You, our sovereign, loving God. Help us know, really know, that You are in control of everybody and everything all the time. Help us know the paths You have for us individually, and help us walk those paths in a manner worthy of You. Forgive us those times we have tried to get our own way using means not pleasing to You.

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