Memorial Day

Memorial Day

I had many relatives in the military, clear back to the Revolutionary War. None died in those conflicts, but one pilot uncle died in a Navy Reserve midair afterwards. On this day, I honor him and all those who gave their lives fighting for our freedom.

And I, and you, have many others to honor: the many, many, martyrs for Christ, who have died, and are dying, in the ongoing war between good and evil. 

We look to and honor those who were faithful to Christ, who witnessed to Christ, even unto death.

Chapter 11 of Hebrews mentions a number of “heroes of the faith.” They are part of the cloud of witnesses (martyrs) (Hebrews 12:1) we look to as encouragements, as motivators, in order to be faithful ourselves.

As those fighting for our freedom were steadfast unto death, as those who considered Christ more important than their lives, let us also run our races with endurance, looking to Christ.

So today, Memorial Day, let us honor them and resolve to be faithful ourselves.

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