It Can Happen to You

It Can Happen to You

Job was blameless, upright, feared God, and turned away from evil.  (Job 1:1)

Job lost his children, his wealth and his health.

His “friends” condemned Job for hidden sins that caused his calamity.

His “friends” believed they themselves were righteous and that no ill would happen to them.

Job said to them: He who is at ease holds calamity in contempt, as prepared for those whose feet slip.  (Job 12:5

Basically, Job said: “It can happen to you.”

A couple of examples: 

The rich can experience devastating reversals, losing their assets. Jesus spoke about the deceitfulness of wealth. (Matthew 13:22)

Jesus also told the parable of the rich man who built bigger barns and believed he would have ease for many years. But God said: “You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?” (Luke 12:20)

Those who are very physically fit, follow excellent nutrition, and exercise, can develop a terminal illness. 


We can become presumptuous, believing our own actions guarantee the results we want.

We can look to ourselves rather than to God.  

Being rich is not wrong. The love of wealth is wrong. Believing your wealth assures comfort throughout life is confidence in yourself. 

Taking care of yourself physically is good. Believing this guarantees long- term good health is presumption.

This post isn’t meant to scare you, but to encourage you to look to God rather than to yourself.

Our God is all-powerful, loves His children, and has a glorious plan. His plan includes some degree of trouble for each of us, which results in our spiritual growth, making us more like Christ. His plan includes big-league trouble for some of us. 

What to do

Examine yourself. Are you relying on yourself in some area, rather than on God? If you are presumptuous, confess it and repent.

Remind yourself who God is; remind yourself that He is sovereign, and that He loves His children, those who have received Christ as Lord and Savior.

Trust Him.

Be grateful.

Press on.

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Pressing On Together