Finishing Well

I am stunned at the effort made by cross-country skiers. Many (most?) of the top finishers collapse after they pass the finish line, gasping for air, unable to stand. They gave it all.

I’m stunned and I’m convicted. Do I work that hard at anything?

At the 2018 Olympics, the USA ladies cross-county team spring won the gold, and the final skier said what kept her going was knowing who was waiting at the finish line. (See Who is Waiting at Your Finish Line?)

Among our goals as Christians should be to finish well. And we have Christ waiting at our finish line.

Each of us has a race set before us (Hebrews 12:1), and we are called to run faithfully and with endurance.

Paul knew he had: “I have found the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

In order to finish well, we must faithfully keep going day by day. We must keep our focus, striving to grow spiritually. Faith is not static. It is either growing or deteriorating.

Our Lord tells us it won’t be easy but promises to help, is with us always, and delivered help. He send the Holy Spirit to dwells in us, and we are in Christ.

The view of the end, where Christ is waiting with rewards, helps us in the effort now.

Press on!

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Pressing On Together