Christian Rights and Responsibilities?

The news is brimming with segments about our “rights.” There are human rights, labor rights, LGBT rights, reproductive rights, disability rights, patient rights, prisoner rights, privacy rights, free speech rights, fair trial rights, and bill of rights. We hear about the right to life, the right to work, and the right to die. And on and on. Often (usually?) responsibilities are minimized and entitlements enhanced.

Do Christians have rights before God?

The dictionary defines “rights” as “something due a person who has a just or legal claim. An “entitlement program” is when the government guarantees to provide benefits to a particular group. “Rights” is a person-centered concept, and includes their “right” to demand their “rights.”

On the other hand, we, the children of God, have been saved as a gift of God. We didn’t earn eternal life, and cannot demand it. Our salvation is God-centered. He chose to save us.

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8–9)

We, His children, are to live in dependent humility before Him, not demanding, but confidently living assured of His love and our position with Him.

Our Position

Just from the book of Ephesians, we were:

  1. Chosen that we should be holy and blameless before Him
  2. Adopted, making us members of God’s household, and heirs of God
  3. Redeemed and reconciled to God
  4. Sealed with the Holy Spirit, the guarantee of our inheritance
  5. Blessed with every spiritual blessing
  6. Made alive with Christ
  7. Seated with God in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus
  8. Given access to the Father through Christ Jesus in the Spirit.

These are not rights we can demand, but gifts we have been given.

Our Responsibilities

Responsibilities are sometimes listed along with rights. Health plans, for example, have “Member Rights and Responsibilities.” Well, except Medicare which has “Medicare Rights and Protections.” When a person focuses on their rights and forgets their responsibilities, problems inevitably ensue.

The book of Ephesians includes three key responsibilities for the child of God who has been given everything. We are to:

  1. Walk in the good works God prepared for us
  2. Walk in a manner worthy of our calling
  3. Grow up in everyway into Christ


We aren’t entitled; we’re assured.

We aren’t demanding; we’re grateful.

We‘ve been given an incredible gift.

Our position before God is guaranteed, and we should consciously and consistently be assured that He is faithful and keeps all His promises.

We can boldly and confidently access our Father through Christ (Ephesians 3:12)

We have gifts to open. And that is our right and our responsibility!

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