Big and Little

Big and Little

The world is in chaos. AND God is in control. Both are true, but we have to trust God in order to believe it.

For His own reasons, He is allowing evil to increase, lies to proliferate, society to break down. At the same time, He is calling sinners to Himself, and sanctifying believers in Christ.

He works all things after the counsel of His will, and His will pertains both to the world and to each individual. Nothing and no one is out of His sight. Nothing and no one can escape His attention and intention. Nor do we, as Christians, want to.

He is working at the big level (society, nations, world), and also at the little (individuals). All of it ends in judgment or glory.

If I keep my eyes on Him, I’m okay. If I look at the disaster around me, I’m not.

He has a plan for the nations. He has a plan for you and me, followers of Christ. He uses everything to make us more like Jesus Christ. You and I are here because He has work for us to do. 

Praise Him, the righteous Judge. Praise Him, our Savior.

Resolve to walk as children of Light, proclaiming Almighty God.

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