Trust God and Press On

My 2021 resolution: Trust God and Press On.

I usually have a short statement, sometimes one word, as a goal for the new year. It may sound silly, but I remember times that one word or phrase energized and guided me in a godly way. 

Trusting God was the big lesson in 2020, and is continuing this year.

My sense is that 2021 is going to be difficult and that trusting God will be an ongoing requirement to sail through the year. 

In addition, I know that He has work for me in 2021. His work for me feels more urgent as the world gets darker. My resolution is to press on.

Trusting God and pressing on are related. When I trust God, I have both confidence and hope to press on.

Trust God

I am determined to:

Trust God for what He is doing around me, what He is doing with the world, with my nation.

Trust God for the circumstances in my life.

Trust God for the outcomes of following His orders.

Trust God that He is with me, and for me, and will never leave me.

Trust God that He has a glorious eternal life for me.

Trust God and Press On

Trusting God brings freedom to act in His will. 

Trusting God brings hope.

Trusting God brings confidence to press on.


Trust God and Press On. Please join me.

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Pressing On Together