Second Wind

Second Wind

We are exhorted to keep going, press on, finish the race. 

We have a calling, a purpose in this world. We have a course God set for us. 

We are not to grow weary.

This is challenging!

But, think about it. God knows us better than we know ourselves. He has a purpose for our lives. God ordained the work He has for us. What we do, or don’t do, matters.

And! He accomplishes His purpose in our lives.

How to Get a Second Wind

How do we get a second wind in our lives? How do we get renewed energy to finish our race?

Remember whose we are and who we are

Almighty God, Creator and Ruler of everything, chose us, justified us, is sanctifying us, and will bring us to glory.

We are God’s beloved.

Sovereign God is in control and promises to bring good out of everything in our lives.


Determine to finish the course God set out for us, setting our faces like flint to reach our God-given goals.

Determine in each day, each moment, to please God.

Determine to live this life in hope, in joy, in the light of guaranteed eternal life.


Father, things are hard. And the problems we are facing have gone on a long time. Please renew our energy and our determination to live with joy and faithfulness. 

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Pressing On Together