Past, Present, and Future

Everyone living has a past, is living in the present, and has a future. There are no exceptions. However, the specifics are different for each of us.

Believers have many common elements for our past, present, and future.

Here is a description just from Romans 5:

Believers’ Past

We believers—all of us—were enemies of God, and helpless to do anything about that. (vv. 6, 10)

But! Christ died for us, the ungodly, demonstrating God’s love for us. (v.8)

We, those who believe in Christ Jesus, and, by faith, trust Him, have been justified (declared righteous). (v. 9)

We were made righteous and received an abundance of grace. (v. 17)

The Holy Spirit was given to us. (v. 5)

God’s love was poured out within our hearts through the Holy Sprit. (v.5)

Believers’ Present

We have peace with God, being reconciled to Him through Christ’s death. (v.1)

We stand in grace, through faith, through Jesus Christ. (v.2)

We are saved by Christ’s life. (v.10)

We exult in the hope of the glory of God. (vv.2, 11)

Believers’ Future

We are saved from the wrath of God through Jesus Christ. (v.9)

In other chapters, our future is more thoroughly described.

We have eternal life (John 3:15), with glory beyond comprehension (1 Corinthians 2:9).

Be Encouraged

In the past we, believers, were saved from the penalty of sin.

We all have a past of ungodly behavior. Don’t get stuck there. Remember the fact—the fact—that God, even though I was, you were, His enemy, He loved us so much that Christ died for us.

Even though…He made us righteous.

Even though…He gave us His Holy Spirit.

Even though…He poured out His love into our hearts.

In the present we, believers, are being saved from sin’s power.

And we have His help in the present, enabling us to live more godly lives.

We stand in His grace, knowing He is with us and will never forsake us.

In the future we, believers, will be saved from sin’s presence.

We are assured of eternal life, glory beyond comprehension.

Hang in there

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