Partiality Is Sin

God doesn’t look at outward appearances, but at the heart.

God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7

God’s standards are always the same. It doesn’t matter whether you are Jew or Gentile, your race, your ethnicity, your gender, your income, your looks. What matters is your soul; your heart.

Our standard is to be God’s standard. We are to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. We are to act as Christ acts. We are to be impartial.

Partiality is fundamentally inconsistent with being a Christian.

If you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. (James 2:9)

Personal Story

Many years ago, I picked up a hitchhiker. On the way to church, I drove by someone thumbing a ride. After a block, I felt an overwhelming urge, that seemed to be from the Lord, to go back and pick him up. (I never pick up hitchhikers, and I am not suggesting that you do. But I was convinced–and still am–that the Lord wanted me to.)

He said, “You drove by before, didn’t you?” I told him I was on my way to church and that I thought the Lord tell me to go back and pick him up. Well! He said he’d just become a Christian! I invited him to church, but he said, “I just got off work and I’m really dirty.” I told him it wouldn’t matter. So he came to church with me.

We ended up sitting in different spots, and when I looked for him after the service, he was surrounded by smiling church members.

I was reminded of that today as I read James 2. We are not to show personal favoritism. If we show partiality, we are sinning. 

I am so grateful for those godly church members.

Watch out

I’m determined to watch for, and eliminate, partiality in myself. 

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