Make Every Effort

Make Every Effort to Seek God First

Do you make every effort to seek God first? If you have determined to read the Bible every day, do you keep going even when you have a very busy schedule, are out of town, or have visitors? What about other aspects of your spiritual life?

Or, alas, do you forget about Him?

Certainly, we should not expect our days to be identical. How boring!

We should not expect to be in control of what we face day-to-day.

We should see the unexpected as part of His plan for us.

Seek God First

But, absolutely, we must seek Him first.

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. (Matthew 6:33)

Plans and Contingency Plans to Seek God First

We should plan how we will seek Him first.

We should develop contingency plans when our primary plan is disrupted.

Keep Going!

We must keep going.

In order to continue his strength-training routine, an out-of-town family member constructed a temporary weight room!

The photo is an example of him making every effort to keep going.

Seek God first.

Press on!

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Pressing On Together