Content in the Mess

Content in the Mess

This is the fifth post lately about contentment. You can guess what I have been thinking about!

I have been so very, very upset about what is going on in the US. The good part of that is I have been driven into the Word and prayer. One of the results is these five posts.

Today I thought I’d tell you about my work to apply what I’ve learned about contentment to the current mess.

Please remember that true Christians vary in their positions and politics. Conservatives, you have liberal brothers and sisters in the Lord. Liberals, you have conservative brothers and sisters in the Lord. Please, as you walk through these troubled times, keep God first. Don’t discard Christians whose politics are different than yours. (And, yes, sometimes their positions may not be consistent with the Word of God. But Christians, even you, even I, can be wrong.)

I have been applying Ten Steps to Contentment to my view of this country’s current issues. I want to be content in the mess.

The Ten Steps are divided into work relating to our head (our knowledge about God), our heart (our inner core, including trust), and our hands (what we think, say, and do). All three categories must work together to reach contentment.


God is sovereign over everything. He is allowing ungodly people to be elected, ungodly actions to be enacted and condoned. He is allowing evil to run its course. But for His holy purpose.

I’ve read the Bible. I know times get worse. I know bad times will happen. I know God is in control. I know He will judge righteously.

He changes time and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings. (Daniel 2:21)

In the last days difficult times will come… (2 Timothy3:1)


Almighty God is my loving Savior. I can trust Him. I must trust Him. This is where He wants me to be. He promises to bring good out of this for His children.

I don’t have to understand what He is doing to trust Him. My trust is based on His character, not the news.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)

Calm and quiet your soul. (Psalm 131)


Lord, I am Your child, I am Your servant. I surrender myself to You in this situation. Help me praise You. Help me love You and my neighbor through this. Help me serve You.

Not my will, but Yours be done. (Luke 22:42)

Posts on Contentment

Current Event Bingo

Be Discontent

Ten Steps to Contentment

When to be Content

Content in the Mess

Posted in

Pressing On Together