Communicable Attitudes

Communicable Attitudes

We’re watching the spread of the new coronavirus across the world as infected humans communicate the virus to others. We do need to follow health guidelines to avoid catching or spreading the virus.

But viruses aren’t all we communicate.

It’s catching

We watched our black lab mix communicate joy.

He was joyfully running in a park, tail up, nose up, mouth open in what had to be a smile. He was so exuberant, others stopped to watch him, and they walked away with their own smiles. 

What a wonderful dog.

Be a blessing

People can catch our attitudes. We might walk away from someone thinking “What a downer,” or “What an upper.” Our own moods may be raised or lowered from the encounter. Others may say of us: “What a downer,” or “What an upper.”

Our goal should be to be a blessing to others.

Let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kind hearted and humble in spirit, not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead.  (1 Peter 3:8-9)

Attract, don’t repel

We are to be known by our love. (John 13:35)

If we are blessings to others, if we are known by our love, people are more apt listen to God’s good news. People are more likely to pay attention to listen about our wonderful Savior.

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!  (Romans 10:15


Father, I want my life to overflow with Your love. I want to demonstrate Your peace and joy. I want to attract others to You. Help me please You with my attitudes. Help me be a bearer of good news. Thank You for this longing and thank You that You make it possible.

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