Practice When It Is Easy

Practice when it is easy so you do well when it is hard Pilots, sailors, and many other professions routinely practice emergency procedures, so if they face an emergency they know what to do and have done it successfully in the past. Pilots practice flying on instruments (needed for bad weather) when the weather is…

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Be More Grateful

Giving thanks to God is a command. Being grateful to Him shows we love Him. Gratitude serves Him, praises Him, and worships Him. (See Gratitude) But how can we do this better? How can we give Him thanks with all our hearts? (Psalm 138:1) How can we overflow with gratitude? (Colossians 2:7) Fundamentals of Gratitude…

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In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Giving thanks in everything is God’s will for YOU! For YOU. (And me.) Reread that verse inserting your name! Kristin is to give thanks in everything. [Your name] is to give thanks in everything. “Everything” means all the…

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Living Hope

He is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah! Through His resurrection, we are born again to a living hope Christians are born again to a living hope! Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope…

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Encouragement = Fuel

Encouragement is fuel for the day. I pray you have one or more people who regularly encourage you. Or circumstances that lift you up. And I pray that you do not have a discourager in your life. What to do if we don’t have encouragers and/or do have discouragers in our own lives: Pray Pray…

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Lies We Believe

Lies We Believe All of us believe lies, some are spiritual lies from the father of lies, Satan (John 8:44); other lies affect our “normal” routines. One of the lies I believe is that when I get caught up, I can rest. That lie keeps me going, which can be good, but it creates stress…

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Who is Your Enemy?

Who is Your Enemy? The owners of that car and truck may think geese are their enemies, especially after they had to clean up the mess! In these dark days, you may regard certain people, officials, politicians, political parties, advocates, or social movements as enemies. You hate, and should hate, murder, abuse, assaults, looting, arson,…

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I’m Not the Standard

You’re awful. You don’t deserve to go to heaven. I sure don’t deserve heaven, but, then, no one does. What do you mean? I’m way better than you. Yes, but I am not the standard.* Huh? Jesus Christ is the standard. Are you as good as He? I’ve lived a good life. I’m a good…

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Change How You Feel

Change How You Feel Feelings arise from thoughts. To change your emotions, change your thinking. To change your thinking, know the Bible. When I was a new Christian, I remember an illustration about feelings. It was a picture of a train: The engine was the Word of God, pulling a car labeled “thinking,” pulling a…

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Evaluate from Faith, not Pride

Evaluate from faith not pride.  The news is filled with stories of “narcissists,” self-centered folks, prideful people. The commonality is that they evaluate what happens based on how it affects them, how it makes them feel.  Of course, everyone, including you and me, is prideful. For Christians, though, we work to stomp it out. (See…

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